
A-TRICK picture by DB Nori

どうも! 足の怪我も少しずつ痛みが取れてきました、田圓尚人です!
オフィシャルで写真を撮っててくれた、DB Noriさんの写真の中から、いくつかご紹介しちゃいます!
Hi guys! My toes getting better! Anyway,
Choose few pic from DB Nori who A-TRICK official photographer and introduce it.

TRINITY オーナー 圭介さんのジャッジムーブから始まったコンテスト。
Judge move by TRINITY owner Keisuke Sato at beginning of A-TRICK
Keisuke Sato

16inch class に出た、ハイスキルなライディングを見せてくれたタカト君と、いつもスクールに来てくれるお洒落なギン君!
16inch class, Takato showed us high skill riding.
Gin who came ours school always and he is always fashionable.
Saku was wearing Minnie clothes and Minnie's ear.

埼玉のレジェンド 坂元潤一郎さんにもジャッジムーブしてもらいました!
Juninchiro Sakamoto is 'LEGEND of SAITAMA' who did judge move too!
Junichiro Sakamoto

20inch Lo クラス!
いつも練習に来てくれる 山内夫妻も 20inch Lo クラスで奮闘してました!
Mr. and Mrs. Yamauchi who always come to practice and they tried best at 20inch Lo class!
Katsufumi Yamauchi
Yoshimi Yamauchi

20inch hiクラスはもちろんハイレベル! アメリカから帰ってきたばかりの井谷 雅さんも!
20inch hi class is of course high level.
Masashi backed Japan from USA a while ago and he entered A-TRICK!

Masashi Itani

YORK was judge of 20inch high but he did DJ too!
Thank you so much!

I could see smile from everyone that day.
Doesn't matter what big or small contest, I just wanted see everyone, talk everyone and laugh everyone.
Finally we made ours time, I'm really happy about it!
Shinichiro Hara won Rock Paper Scissors

I wanna say thank you so much again!
Everyone helped us(me) but it was great time.
Thank you for giving me the great day!!!!

Other picture is here!

Naoto Tamaru.



そんな久々は 僕が初主催をした A-TRICKのご報告!

当日はたくさんの方がに来ていただき、さらに設営から たくさんの方々にお手伝いしていただき本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいでした!

16inch クラスが始まり、キッズ達が頑張って乗る姿、笑顔で乗る姿、悔しがる姿は 僕が描いていたモノ以上でした!

20inch Lo クラス レベルも上がる中、僕が海外に行く前はまだスクールに来ていた Yuta くんが20inch になっていて成長した姿を見せてくれました!
キッズの成長は、キッズだけではなく僕たちにも影響を与えてくれますね! 本当びっくりしました!

そして 20inch Hi クラス 言わずもがな日本、世界で戦うライダー達が集まり、賞金をめぐって熱い戦いが繰り広げられました。
決勝では新たなバトル方式を設けたところ、「本当に大丈夫?」 という声がありましたが、終わった時にはみなさんから 「楽しかった!」 「面白かった!」 という声をいただけたのが嬉しかったです!
優勝はさすが 佐々木元さん あっさりやられてしまいましたが、次回は勝ちますよ!


DB Noriさんの写真をいくつかどうぞ!

16inch Top 3

20inch Lo Top 3

20inch Hi Top3

A-TRICK Result

1, Takato Moriya
2, Ginsei Kawauchi
3, Sakura Kawaguchi

20inch Lo
1, Yuta Watanabe
2, Benpeke
3, Syunsuke Nakamura

20inch High
1, Moto Sasaki
2, Naoto Tamaru
3, Takahiro Enoki


By DB Nori

At final with Moto Sasaki. 


Oh man,,, I’m back here from long long long time ago lol
So I’m writing down about A-TRICK what I organized contest.

So many ppl came A-TRICK and helped us whole day.
I just want to say ‘THANK YOU SO MUCH’

First, 16inch class started.
Kids was trying the best riding with fun, smile and vex.
I thought they had a lot of emotion but that is good way.
Hope they will try to the best for next contest again!

Next 20inch Lo class
There were good riders.
Before I went Abudhabi, one kids came BMX school and now he is riding 20inch and really good skill.
I guess Kids progress give us motivate.
One of the amazing things.
I was surprised so much!

20inch hi class.
It’s high level class. Top pro rider came A-TRICK and they showed us great riding.
Final battle, I was trying to make new format but before final some ppl told me Is that format OK? but after contest most ppl told me It was great So much fun I was so happy!
But I have to change some things for that format.
Anyway, Winner is Moto Sasaki. He was insane but I will try to beat him!!
Congrats Moto Sasaki!

It is easy report…
Here is some picture from official photographer ‘DB Nori’

16inch Top 3

20inch Lo Top 3

20inch Hi Top3

A-TRICK Result

1, Takato Moriya
2, Ginsei Kawauchi
3, Sakura Kawaguchi

20inch Lo
1, Yuta Watanabe
2, Benpeke
3, Syunsuke Nakamura

20inch High
1, Moto Sasaki
2, Naoto Tamaru
3, Takahiro Enoki

You can see more picture here.

By DB Nori

When I get A-TRICK film, I will put on here ASAP!
Thanks a lot again!
At final with Moto Sasaki.

Naoto Tamaru.