

Hi guys this is Naoto (as always)
I've got a package from JAPAN which I wanna show u guys cuz it's really cool!

This is from TRINITY which is my sponsor BMX store.
So I got new ARESBIKES S-Kill v2.
This type of frame is my favorite frame, they have always helped to progress to bigger and stronger skills, so when I got my Japan pro license I rode this frame!
I also got HIDDEN BMX which is a BMX magazine from JAPAN.
This time it has a lot of interviews, I recommend u guys read, see this magazine!
Thank you TRINITY and Mr.Keisuke!
ARESBIKESのS-Kill V2が届きました!
このフレームは常に僕を成長さしてくれます! プロになった時に乗っていたのはこのフレームです!
そして HIDDEN BMX たくさんのインタビューが刺激になりました! 

I've also got one more package from JAPAN friends.

Two PUMA SUEDE sneakers and Champion socks which are my favorite things!!!
PUMA SUEDE is really comfortable to wear when I walk a lot and when I ride BMX a lot, which is ALL THE TIME!
When I ride I put U2 (my sponsor's) insoles into my PUMA SUEDE'S and take out the PUMA insoles (this makes it thinner for me, but you can ride with them in if it's too thin for you) however, it is really comfortable for me!
Champion socks don't slip and that's why I wear them cuz they are really great for me when I ride!
二足のPUMA SUEDEとChampion の ソックス!
PUMA SUEDE はかなりは着心地がよく、普段履きでもライディングでもかなりフィットします! 僕はU2 のインソールを入れて使ってます!(PUMAのインソールは抜いてます)
Champion のソックスはずり落ちてこないという優秀ソックスです!

This is all really cool stuff !!
Thank you always everyone!


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